
Artist Statement:

"DOG = Size of Bus"

What started out as a study of a RV Convention* for my Architectural Students, turned into a fascinating and fun exploration of how temporary personal space can pop up in a matter of minutes.

A temporary city of mobile residents literally – in some cases --  rolled out fake grass; planted ‘flowers’; set up chairs and whirly-gigs to claim their space.

Their dream home--complete with a picket fence.

Illustrating the need to claim a sense of space around one’s home, even if driven from one location to another.

In this series, "DOG = size of the bus", the focus is on the details of these spaces: a rug, a potted plant, or the angle of a chair. The warm color wash(s) mutes the visual chaos and hints at the heat while focusing on the details. In particular, I found empty chairs spoke louder of the people then if occupied.

Often in quirky ways, these details reveal how the Spaces reflect their people, and how those Spaces define the community.

The details reveal who we are, and how we live. And, it is ok to smile at those peculiar details.

*(NOT to be confused with Burning Man)

(Sometimes, I wonder what the Aliens would think.)